Source code for salishsea_tools.namelist

Fortran namelist parser. Converts namelists to Python dictionaries.

Based on

Should be fairly robust. Cannot be used for verifying fortran namelists as it
is rather forgiving.

Error messages during parsing are kind of messy right now.


>>> from namelist import namelist2dict
>>> namelist_dict = namelist2dict("fortran_list.txt")

Can deal with filenames, open files and file-like object (StringIO).

Works with Python 2.7 and has not further dependencies.

    Lion Krischer (, 2013

    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
QUOTE_CHARS = ["'", '"']

class Token(object):
    Base class for all token types.
    def __str__(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        if hasattr(self, "value"):
            return "%s(%s)" % (name, str(self.value))
        return name

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class StringToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

class AssignmentToken(Token):

class GroupEndToken(Token):

class GroupStartToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

class IntegerToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = int(value)

class FloatToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = float(value)

class BooleanToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = bool(value)

class NameToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = str(value)

class ComplexNumberToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, real, imag):
        self.value = complex(real, imag)

class ArrayIndexToken(Token):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = int(value)

def auto_token(value):
    Instantiates the correct token type based on the passed value string.
    value = value.strip()
    if value.startswith("&"):
        return (
            GroupEndToken() if value[1:] == 'end'
            else GroupStartToken(value[1:]))
    elif value.lower() == ".true.":
        return BooleanToken(True)
    elif value.lower() == ".false.":
        return BooleanToken(False)
        return IntegerToken(int(value))
        return FloatToken(float(value))
    return NameToken(value)

def tokenizer(file_object):
    The lexer - a generator yielding tokens.
    for line in file_object:
        line = line.strip()
        if not line:
        in_name = True
        in_string = False
        in_complex_number = False
        current_token = []
        for letter in line:
            # Handle strings.
            if letter in QUOTE_CHARS:
                if in_string is True:
                    yield StringToken("".join(current_token))
                    current_token = []
                    in_string = False
                    in_string = True
            elif in_string is True:

            # Handle array indices and complex numbers.
            elif letter == "(":
                if current_token:
                    yield auto_token("".join(current_token))
                    current_token = []
                if not in_name:
                    in_complex_number = True
            elif letter == ")":
                if in_name:
                    # Finished array element index
                    yield ArrayIndexToken("".join(current_token))
                    current_token = []
                    in_name = False
                    # Parse the complex number.
                    real, imag = map(float, "".join(current_token).split(","))
                    yield ComplexNumberToken(real, imag)
                    current_token = []
                    in_complex_number = False
            elif in_complex_number is True:

            # Everything from now on is neither string nor complex number.
            elif letter == "!":
            elif not letter.strip():
                if current_token:
                    yield auto_token("".join(current_token))
                    current_token = []
            elif letter == ",":
                if current_token:
                    yield auto_token("".join(current_token))
                    current_token = []
            elif letter == "=":
                if current_token:
                    yield auto_token("".join(current_token))
                    current_token = []
                in_name = False
                yield AssignmentToken()
            elif letter == "/":
                if current_token:
                    yield auto_token("".join(current_token))
                    current_token = []
                yield GroupEndToken()
        if current_token:
            yield auto_token("".join(current_token))

def group_generator(tokens):
    Generator yielding one dictionary per found group.
    current_group = {}
    current_group_name = None
    current_assignment = []
    for token in tokens:
        if isinstance(token, GroupStartToken):
            if current_group_name:
                msg = "Starting new group without ending old one."
                raise ValueError(msg)
            current_group_name = token.value
        elif isinstance(token, GroupEndToken):
            if current_assignment:
                parse_assignment(current_assignment, current_group)
                current_assignment = []
            if current_group and current_group_name:
                yield (current_group_name, current_group)
            current_group = {}
            current_group_name = None
        elif isinstance(token, NameToken):
            if current_assignment:
                parse_assignment(current_assignment, current_group)
                current_assignment = []

def parse_assignment(assignment,  group):
    Parses all tokens for one assignment. Will write the result to the passed
    group dictionary.
    if len(assignment) < 3:
        msg = "Invalid assignment."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if not isinstance(assignment[0], NameToken):
        msg = "Assignment must start with a name."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if isinstance(assignment[1], AssignmentToken):
        values = assignment[2:]
        array_assignment = False
    elif all((
        isinstance(assignment[1], ArrayIndexToken),
        isinstance(assignment[2], AssignmentToken),

        array_index = assignment[1].value - 1
        values = assignment[3:]
        array_assignment = True
        msg = "Assignment must contain an AssignmentToken."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    values = [_i.value for _i in values]
    if len(values) == 1:
        values = values[0]
    if not array_assignment:
        group[assignment[0].value] = values
            group[assignment[0].value].insert(array_index, values)
        except KeyError:
            if array_index != 0:
                msg = "Array element assignments must start at element 1"
                raise IndexError(msg)
            group[assignment[0].value] = [values]
        except IndexError:
            msg = 'Array elements must be asigned in order'
            raise IndexError(msg)

[docs] def namelist2dict(file_or_file_object): """ Thin wrapper to be able to deal with file-like objects and filenames. """ if hasattr(file_or_file_object, "read"): return _namelist2dict(file_or_file_object) with open(file_or_file_object, "r") as open_file: return _namelist2dict(open_file)
def _namelist2dict(file_object): """ Converts a file_object containng a namelist to a dictionary. """ namelist_dict = {} for group_name, group_values in group_generator(tokenizer(file_object)): namelist_dict.setdefault(group_name, []) namelist_dict[group_name].append(group_values) return namelist_dict