Initial Conditions and Forcing Notebooks and Tools
The tools/I_ForcingFiles/
directory contains a collection of Jupyter Notebooks for creating,
and visualizing initial conditions and forcing netCDF files.
Links to statically rendered versions of these notebooks can be found in the tools repo I_ForcingFiles/
directory README.
Many of these notebooks use modules from the SalishSeaTools Package so please ensure that you have it installed correctly.
: a Jupyter Notebook that prepares the Rivers file for the large Salish Sea NEMO 3.4 domain.LookatInitialForcingFiles.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook that opens bathymetry, coordinate and tide files from JPP’s run of CONCEPTS 110 It then prepares a various plots.netCDF4weights-CGRF.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook to convert the values fromgrid/
from theWC3_PREP
2-Oct-2013 tarball into a netCDF4, zlib=True file with convention-compliant attributes.NoSnow.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook for the creation of theatmospheric/
No-Snow Constraint atmospheric forcing file in the NEMO-forcing.Open Boundary.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook that characterizes the western open boundary of the large Salish Sea NEMO 3.4 domain.Prepare Tide Files.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook that opens JPP’s tide files and prepares tide files for NEMO 3.4 in NetCDF format. This book is for the small domain and does both western and northern boundary.PrepareSimpleOBC.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook that prepares constant boundary values for the western boundary of the large Salish Sea NEMO 3.4 domain.PrepareTS.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook to prepare initial T&S for the large domain based on a single S4-1 profile from Sept 2003.TS_OBC_Softstart.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook to prepare OBC T&S files that start with the initial conditions and switch to the Thomson et al boundary conditions in October.webtide_forcing.ipynb
: a Jupyter Notebook to prepare tidal forcing files for the large Salish Sea NEMO 3.4 domain, western
: A Python script to correct CGRF pressure files to sea level.
When you add a new notebook to this collection please use python in the tools/I_ForcingFiles/
directory to update the
and commit and push it too.