netCDF4 Files Creation and Conventions

The Salish Sea MEOPAR project uses netCDF4 files as input for the NEMO model and for other purposes, where appropriate. This section documents the recommended way of creating netCDF4 files with compression of variables, limitation of variables to appropriate precision, and appropriate metadata attributes for the variables and the dataset as a whole. The recommendations are based on the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions, Version 1.6, 5 December, 2011. Use of the netCDF4-python library (included in Anaconda Python Distribution) is assumed.

The nc_tools Module in the SalishSeaTools Package is a library of Python functions for exploring and managing the attributes of netCDF files. The PrepareTS.ipynb notebook shows examples of the use of those functions.

Creating netCDF4 Files

All of the following code examples assume that the netcdf4-python library has been imported and aliased to nc:

import netCDF4 as nc

Datasets and Files

Create an “empty” netCDF4 dataset and store it on disk:

foo = nc.Dataset('', 'w')

The Dataset constructor defaults to creating NETCDF4 format objects. Other formats may be specified with the format keyword argument (see the netCDF4-python docs).

The first argument that Dataset takes is the path and name of the netCDF4 file that will be created, updated, or read. The second argument is the mode with which to access the file. Use:

  • w (write mode) to create a new file, use clobber=True to over-write and existing one

  • r (read mode) to open an existing file read-only

  • r+ (append mode) to open an existing file and change its contents


Create dimensions on a dataset with the createDimension() method, for example:

foo.createDimension('t', None)
foo.createDimension('z', 40)
foo.createDimension('y', 898)
foo.createDimension('x', 398)

The first dimension is called t with unlimited size (i.e. variable values may be appended along the this dimension). Unlimited size dimensions must be declared before (“to the left of”) other dimensions. NEMO supports only a single unlimited size dimension that is used for time.

The other 3 dimensions are obviously spatial dimensions with sizes of 40, 898, and 398, respectively.

The recommended maximum number of dimensions is 4. The recommended order of dimensions is t, z, y, x. Not all datasets are required to have all 4 dimensions.


Create variables on a dataset with the createVariable() method, for example:

lats = foo.createVariable('nav_lat', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
lons = foo.createVariable('nav_lon', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
depths = foo.createVariable('Bathymetry', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True, least_significant_digit=1, fill_value=0)

The first argument to createVariable() is the variable name. For files read by NEMO the variable names must be those that NEMO expects.

The second argument is the variable type. There are many way of specifying type, but Python built-in types work well in the absence of specific requirements.

The third argument is a tuple of previously defined dimension names. As noted above,

  • The recommended maximum number of dimensions is 4

  • The recommended order of dimensions is t, z, y, x

  • Not all variables are required to have all 4 dimensions

All variables should be created with the zlib=True argument to enable data compression within the netCDF4 file.

When appropriate, the least_significant_digit argument should be used to improve compression and storage efficiency by quantizing the variable data to the specified precision. In the example above the depths data will be quantized such that a precision of 0.1 is retained.

When appropriate, the fill_value argument can be used to specify the value that the variable gets filled with before any data is written to it. Doing so overrides the default netCDF _FillValue (which depends on the type of the variable). If fill_value is set to False, then the variable is not pre-filled. In the example above the depths data will be initialized to zero, the appropriate value for grid points that are on land.

Writing and Retrieving Data

Variable data in netCDF4 datasets are stored in NumPy array or masked array objects.

An appropriately sized and shaped NumPy array can be loaded into a dataset variable by assigning it to a slice that span the variable:

import numpy as np

d[:] = np.arange(48, 51.1, 0.1)

and values can be retrieved using most of the usual NumPy indexing and slicing techniques.

There are differences between the NumPy and netCDF variable slicing rules; see the netCDF4-python docs for details.

netCDF4 File Conventions

The NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions, Version 1.6, 5 December, 2011 has the following stated goal:

The NetCDF library is designed to read and write data that has been structured according to well-defined rules and is easily ported across various computer platforms.
The netCDF interface enables but does not require the creation of self-describing datasets.
The purpose of the CF conventions is to require conforming datasets to contain sufficient metadata that they are self-describing in the sense that each variable in the file has an associated description of what it represents,
including physical units if appropriate,
and that each value can be located in space
(relative to earth-based coordinates)
and time.

Datasets created by the Salish Sea MEOPAR project shall conform to CF-1.6. NEMO results nominally conform to an ealier version, CF-1.1.

Global Attributes

Global attributes are on the dataset. The can be access individually as attributes using dotted notation:

foo.Conventions = 'CF-1.6'

or in code using the methods on a Dataset object.


All datasets should have values for the following attributes unless there is a very good reason not to.

The following are defined in CF-1.6. See that documentation for more details of the intent behind these attributes.


Identification of conventions.


foo.Conventions = 'CF-1.6'

A succinct description of what is in the dataset.


foo.title = 'Salish Sea NEMO Bathymetry'

Specifies where the dataset was produced.


foo.institution = 'Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia'

The method of production of the original dataset. For datasets created via Jupyter Notebooks or code modules this should be the URL of the source code in the tools on GitHub.


foo.source = ''

Published or web-based references that describe the dataset or methods used to produce it. This should include the URL of the dataset in the appropriate repo (typically NEMO-forcing) on GitHub.


foo.references = ''

Provides an audit trail for modifications to the original dataset. Each line should begin with a timestamp indicating the date and time of day when the modification was done.


foo.history = """
    [2013-10-30 13:18] Created netCDF4 zlib=True dataset.
    [2013-10-30 15:22] Set depths between 0 and 4m to 4m and those >428m to 428m.
    [2013-10-31 17:10] Algorithmic smoothing.

Miscellaneous information about the dataset or methods used to produce it.


foo.comment = 'Based on file from 2-Oct-2013 WCSD_PREP tarball provided by J-P Paquin.'

Variable Attributes

Variable attributes are on particular variables in the dataset. The can be access individually as attributes using dotted notation:

depths.units = 'm'

or in code using the methods on a Variable object.


All variables should have values for the following attributes unless there is a very good reason not to.

The following are defined in CF-1.6. See that documentation for more details of the intent behind these attributes.


Required for all variables that represent dimensional quantities. The value of the units attribute is a string that can be recognized by UNIDATA’s Udunits package, with a few exceptions.


depths.units = 'm'

Exceptions and special cases:

  • For latitude use units = 'degrees_north'

  • For longitude use units = 'degrees_east'

  • For time use units = `seconds since yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' with an actual date/time

  • For practical salinity use units = 1 and long_name = 'Practical Salinity'


A long descriptive name which may, for example, be used for labeling plots.


depths.long_name = 'Depth'

As Applicable


The calendar to use on a time axis to calculate a new date and time given a base date, base time and a time increment.


time.calendar = 'gregorian'

The direction of positive (i.e., the direction in which the coordinate values are increasing) for a vertical coordinate. For Salish Sea MEOPAR files this is applicable to depths and a value of down is used, indicating that the depth of the surface is 0 and depth values increase downward.


depths.positive = 'down'

Smallest and largest valid values of a variable. If valid minimum and maximum values for a variable can be stated, use this instead of valid_min and valid_max.


depths.valid_range = np.array((0.0, 428.0))

Smallest valid value of a variable. Use this only if there is no value for valid_max, otherwise, use valid_range.


sal.valid_min = 0

Largest valid value of a variable. Use this only if there is no value for valid_min, otherwise, use valid_range.


foo.valid_max = 42

The value that a variable gets filled with before any data is loaded into it. Each data type has a default for _FillValue, but a variable-specific value can be specified in the createVariable() method (see Variables).


A name used to identify the physical quantity. A standard name contains no whitespace and is case sensitive. The standard_name attribute is typically used where a descriptive, code-friendly alternative to the long_name or the variable name itself is needed.


sal.standard_name = 'practical_salinity'

Applying netCDF4 Variable-Level Compression

NEMO-3.4 produces netCDF files that use the 64-bit offset format. The size on disk of those files can be reduced by up to 90% (depending on the contents of the file) by converting them to netCDF-4 format and applying Lempel-Ziv compression to each variable. The ncks tool from the NCO package can be used to accomplish that:

$ ncks -4 -L4 -O


The above command replaces the original version of the file with its netCDF4 compressed version.

The -4 argument tells ncks to produce a netCDF-4 format file.

The -L4 argument causes level 4 compression to be used. Level 4 is a good compromise between the amount of compression that is achieved and the amount of processing time required to do the compression.

The -O argument tells ncks to over-write existing file without asking for confirmation.

The file names are the input and output files, respectively.

NEMO-3.6 produces netCDF files that use the netCDF-4 format with level 1 Lempel-Ziv compression applied to each variable. As above, the size of those files on disk can be reduced by up to 90% (depending on the contents of the file) by increasing the compression level to 4. The command to do so is the same:

$ ncks -4 -L4 -O


The above command replaces the original version of the file with its netCDF4 compressed version.