Source code for salishsea_tools.bio_tools

# Copyright 2013-2021 The Salish Sea NEMO Project and
# The University of British Columbia

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""Functions for working with geographical data and model results.
import numpy as np
import f90nml
import os

[docs] def load_nml_bio(resDir,nmlname,bioRefName='namelist_smelt_ref',bioCfgName='namelist_smelt_cfg',namRefDir=None): """ extract parameter values from smelt namelists for nampisbio :arg str resDir: directory containing namelists associated with run; usually results diri :arg str nmlname name of namelist to load: eg, 'nampisprod' :arg str bioRefName: name of bio reference namelist (optional) :arg str bioCfgName: name of bio config namelist (optional) :arg str namRefDir: dir to get ref namelist from if not in results dir (optional) """ if namRefDir==None: namRefDir=resDir,bioRefName)),bioCfgName)) nml=nmlRef[nmlname] for key in nmlCfg[nmlname]: nml[key]=nmlCfg[nmlname][key] return nml
def each_limiter(zz_I_par,zz_NO,zz_NH,zz_Si,tmask, zz_rate_Iopt,zz_rate_gamma,zz_rate_K_Si,zz_rate_kapa,zz_rate_k): # Light zz_plank_growth_light = (1.0 - np.exp(-zz_I_par / (0.33 * zz_rate_Iopt)) ) * \ (np.exp(-zz_I_par / (30. * zz_rate_Iopt))) * 1.06 zz_Uc = (1.0 - zz_rate_gamma) * zz_plank_growth_light ILim=zz_Uc # Si zz_Sc = np.where(np.logical_and(zz_Si>0.0,tmask>0), zz_Si / (zz_rate_K_Si + zz_Si),0.0) SiLim=zz_Sc # Nitrate and Ammonium zz_Oup_cell = np.where(np.logical_and(zz_NO > 0.0,tmask>0), zz_NO * zz_rate_kapa / (zz_rate_k + zz_NO * zz_rate_kapa + zz_NH),0.0) zz_Hup_cell = np.where(np.logical_and(zz_NH > 0.0,tmask>0), zz_NH / (zz_rate_k + zz_NO * zz_rate_kapa + zz_NH),0.0) if (np.any(zz_Oup_cell < 0.)): raise ValueError('zz_Oup_cell<0') if (np.any(zz_Hup_cell < 0.)): raise ValueError('zz_Hup_cell<0') NLim=zz_Oup_cell+zz_Hup_cell # set flags limiter=-1*np.ones(zz_Si.shape) limiter=np.where(np.logical_and(ILim<=NLim,ILim<=SiLim),0, np.where(NLim<=SiLim,2,np.where(SiLim<NLim,4,limiter))) limval=np.where(np.logical_and(ILim<=NLim,ILim<=SiLim),ILim, np.where(NLim<=SiLim,NLim+2,np.where(SiLim<NLim,SiLim+4,limiter))) return ILim, NLim, SiLim, limiter,limval def calc_nutLim_2(zz_NO,zz_NH,zz_Si,zz_rate_K_Si,zz_rate_kapa,zz_rate_k): # calculate nutrient (si, no3, or nh4) limitation only for calculating # diatom sinking rates # Si zz_Sc = np.where(zz_Si>0.0, zz_Si / (zz_rate_K_Si + zz_Si),0.0) SiLim=zz_Sc # Nitrate and Ammonium zz_Oup_cell = np.where(zz_NO > 0.0, zz_NO * zz_rate_kapa / (zz_rate_k + zz_NO * zz_rate_kapa + zz_NH),0.0) zz_Hup_cell = np.where(zz_NH > 0.0, zz_NH / (zz_rate_k + zz_NO * zz_rate_kapa + zz_NH),0.0) if (np.any(zz_Oup_cell < 0.)): raise ValueError('zz_Oup_cell<0') if (np.any(zz_Hup_cell < 0.)): raise ValueError('zz_Hup_cell<0') NLim=zz_Oup_cell+zz_Hup_cell nutLim=np.minimum(NLim,SiLim) return np.power(nutLim,0.2) def calc_diat_sink(zz_w_sink_Pmicro_min,zz_w_sink_Pmicro_max,diatNutLim): # enter min and max rates in m/day as in namelist # use calc_nutLim_2 to estimate diatNutLim, which is to power 0.2 wsink= zz_w_sink_Pmicro_min*diatNutLim+zz_w_sink_Pmicro_max*(1.0-diatNutLim) return wsink/(24*3600) # diatom sinking rates are converted to m/s during namelist read
[docs] def calc_p_limiters(I,NO,NH,Si,tmask,nampisprod): """Calculate limiting factor: I, Si, or N based on SMELT output :arg I: np.array slice of PAR from dia file :arg NO: " nitrate :arg NH: " ammonia :arg Si: " silicate :arg tmask: np.array containing appropriate tmask sliced to same size :arg nampisprod: namelist dict loaded using load_nml_bio with argument nampisprod """ ILimDiat, NLimDiat, SiLimDiat, limiterDiat, limvalDiat=each_limiter(I,NO,NH,Si,tmask,nampisprod['zz_rate_Iopt_diat'], nampisprod['zz_rate_gamma_diat'],nampisprod['zz_rate_k_Si_diat'], nampisprod['zz_rate_kapa_diat'],nampisprod['zz_rate_k_diat']) ILimMyri, NLimMyri, SiLimMyri, limiterMyri, limvalMyri=each_limiter(I,NO,NH,Si,tmask,nampisprod['zz_rate_Iopt_myri'], nampisprod['zz_rate_gamma_myri'],nampisprod['zz_rate_k_Si_myri'], nampisprod['zz_rate_kapa_myri'],nampisprod['zz_rate_k_myri']) ILimNano, NLimNano, SiLimNano, limiterNano, limvalNano=each_limiter(I,NO,NH,Si,tmask,nampisprod['zz_rate_Iopt_nano'], nampisprod['zz_rate_gamma_nano'],nampisprod['zz_rate_k_Si_nano'], nampisprod['zz_rate_kapa_nano'],nampisprod['zz_rate_k_nano']) Diat={'ILim':ILimDiat,'NLim':NLimDiat,'SiLim':SiLimDiat,'limiter':limiterDiat,'limval':limvalDiat} Myri={'ILim':ILimMyri,'NLim':NLimMyri,'SiLim':SiLimMyri,'limiter':limiterMyri,'limval':limvalMyri} Nano={'ILim':ILimNano,'NLim':NLimNano,'SiLim':SiLimNano,'limiter':limiterNano,'limval':limvalNano} return Diat, Myri, Nano
def phyto_Tdep_Factor(TT, zz_rate_maxtemp, zz_rate_temprange): #if hasattr(TT,'__len__'): # assume 1-d array or similar and return array # return np.array([phyto_Tdep_Factor(el,zz_rate_maxtemp, zz_rate_temprange) for el in TT]) #else: # return np.exp(0.07 * (TT - 20)) * min(max((zz_rate_maxtemp - TT), 0.0),zz_rate_temprange) / (zz_rate_temprange + 1e-10) return np.exp(0.07 * (TT - 20)) * np.minimum(np.maximum((zz_rate_maxtemp - TT), 0.0),zz_rate_temprange) / (zz_rate_temprange + 1e-10) def calc_T_Factors(TT,nampisprod): Tdep_Diat=phyto_Tdep_Factor(TT,nampisprod['zz_rate_maxtemp_diat'],nampisprod['zz_rate_temprange_diat']) Tdep_Myri=phyto_Tdep_Factor(TT,nampisprod['zz_rate_maxtemp_myri'],nampisprod['zz_rate_temprange_myri']) Tdep_Nano=phyto_Tdep_Factor(TT,nampisprod['zz_rate_maxtemp_nano'],nampisprod['zz_rate_temprange_nano']) return Tdep_Diat, Tdep_Myri, Tdep_Nano #def calc_limiter(resDir,fnameDia=None,fnamePtrc=None): # :arg str resDir: path to results directory where output and namelist files are stored # :arg str fnameDia: (optional) diagnostic file to get output from; # if none suplied assumes there is only one possibility in resDir # :arg str fnamePtrc: (optional) ptrc file to get output from; # if None assumes only 1 possible # """ # # fDia=nc.Dataset(os.path.join(resDir,fnameDia)) # fPtrc=nc.Dataset(os.path.join(resDir,fname # #def find_closest_model_point( # lon, lat, model_lons, model_lats, grid='NEMO', land_mask=None, # tols={ # 'NEMO': {'tol_lon': 0.0104, 'tol_lat': 0.00388}, # 'GEM2.5': {'tol_lon': 0.016, 'tol_lat': 0.012}, # } #): # """Returns the grid coordinates of the closest model point # to a specified lon/lat. If land_mask is provided, returns the closest # water point. # # Example: # # .. code-block:: python # # j, i = find_closest_model_point( # -125.5,49.2,model_lons,model_lats,land_mask=bathy.mask) # # where bathy, model_lons and model_lats are returned from # :py:func:`salishsea_tools.tidetools.get_bathy_data`. # # j is the y-index(latitude), i is the x-index(longitude) # # :arg float lon: longitude to find closest grid point to # # :arg float lat: latitude to find closest grid point to # # :arg model_lons: specified model longitude grid # :type model_lons: :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray` # # :arg model_lats: specified model latitude grid # :type model_lats: :py:obj:`numpy.ndarray` # # :arg grid: specify which default lon/lat tolerances # :type grid: string # # :arg land_mask: describes which grid coordinates are land # :type land_mask: numpy array # # :arg tols: stored default tols for different grid types # :type tols: dict # # :returns: yind, xind # """