Source code for salishsea_tools.rivertools

# Copyright 2013-2021 The Salish Sea MEOPAR contributors
# and The University of British Columbia

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"""A collections of functions for working with river flow forcing data
for the Salish Sea NEMO model.
import netCDF4 as NC
import numpy as np

[docs] def put_watershed_into_runoff( rivertype, area, flux, runoff, run_depth, run_temp, pd): """Fill the river file with the rivers of one watershed. :arg str rivertype: 'constant' or 'monthly' flows :arg array area: horizontal area of each grid cell in domain e1t*e2t :arg float flux: amount of flow into watershed :arg array runoff: runoff array we are filling :arg array run_depth: depth array we are filling :arg array run_temp: temperature array we are filling :arg dict pd: property dictionary for the watershed Note: this function now needs pd sent in, it does not go and get it as it did previously """ for key in pd: river = pd[key] if rivertype == 'constant': fill_runoff_array( flux * river['prop'], river['i'], river['di'], river['j'], river['dj'], river['depth'], runoff, run_depth, area) elif rivertype == 'monthly': fill_runoff_array_monthly( flux * river['prop'], river['i'], river['di'], river['j'], river['dj'], river['depth'], runoff, run_depth, run_temp, area, numtimes=12) elif rivertype == 'daily': fill_runoff_array_monthly( flux * river['prop'], river['i'], river['di'], river['j'], river['dj'], river['depth'], runoff, run_depth, run_temp, area, numtimes=365) return runoff, run_depth, run_temp
[docs] def get_watershed_prop_dict(watershedname, Fraser_River='short'): """get the proportion that each river occupies in the watershed. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'get_watershed_prop_dict() depreciated, use the river_** dictionary files') return
[docs] def get_bathy_cell_size( grid='../../../nemo-forcing/grid/' '', ): """Get the bathymetry and size of each cell. """ fc = NC.Dataset(grid) e1t = fc.variables['e1t'] e2t = fc.variables['e2t'] return e1t, e2t
[docs] def init_runoff_array( bathy='../../../nemo-forcing/grid/' '', init_depth=-1, init_temp=-99 ): """Initialise the runoff array. If you want to use a different bathymetry set it in the call; e.g.:: init_runoff_array( bathy='/ocean/jieliu/research/meopar/river-treatment/') """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'init_runoff_array() deprecated, use runoff = np.zeros_like(area); run_depth = np.ones_like(runoff)') return
[docs] def init_runoff_array_monthly( bathy='../../../nemo-forcing/grid/' '', init_depth=-1, init_temp=-99 ): """Initialise the runoff array for each month. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'init_runoff_array() deprecated, use runoff = np.zeros((12, area.shape[0], area.shape[1])); run_depth = np.ones_like(runoff)') return
[docs] def fill_runoff_array( flux, istart, di, jstart, dj, depth_of_flux, runoff, run_depth, area): """Fill the runoff array. """ number_cells = di * dj total_area = number_cells * area[istart, jstart] w = flux / total_area * 1000. # w is in kg/s not m/s runoff[istart:istart + di, jstart:jstart + dj] = w run_depth[istart:istart + di, jstart:jstart + dj] = depth_of_flux return runoff, run_depth
[docs] def fill_runoff_array_monthly( flux, istart, di, jstart, dj, depth_of_flux, runoff, run_depth, run_temp, area, numtimes=12): """Fill the monthly runoff array. """ number_cells = di * dj total_area = number_cells * area[istart, jstart] for ntime in range(1, numtimes+1): w = flux[ntime - 1] / total_area * 1000. # w is in kg/s not m/s runoff[(ntime - 1), istart:istart + di, jstart:jstart + dj] = w run_depth[(ntime - 1), istart:istart + di, jstart:jstart + dj] = depth_of_flux if numtimes == 12: run_temp[(ntime - 1), istart:istart + di, jstart:jstart + dj] = rivertemp(month=ntime) else: run_temp[(ntime - 1), istart:istart + di, jstart:jstart + dj] = rivertemp_yday(yearday=ntime) return runoff, run_depth, run_temp
[docs] def check_sum(runoff_orig, runoff_new, flux, area): """Check that the runoff adds up to what it should. """ new_flux = (np.sum(runoff_new * area)/1000. -np.sum(runoff_orig * area)/1000.) print (new_flux, flux, new_flux/flux)
[docs] def check_sum_monthly(runoff_orig, runoff_new, flux, area, numtimes=12): """Check that the runoff adds up per month to what it should. """ new_flux = (np.sum(runoff_new * area)/1000. -np.sum(runoff_orig * area)/1000.) print (new_flux/numtimes, np.sum(flux)/numtimes, new_flux/np.sum(flux))
[docs] def rivertemp_yday(yearday): """River temperature, based on Fraser River, see Allen and Wolfe (2013). Temperature in NEMO is in Celsius. """ if (yearday < 52.8 or yearday > 334.4): river_temp = 2.5 elif (yearday < 232.9): river_temp = 2.5 + (yearday - 52.8) * (19.3 - 2.5) / (232.9 - 52.8) else: river_temp = 19.3 + (yearday - 232.9) * (2.5 - 19.3) / (334.4 - 232.9) return river_temp
[docs] def rivertemp(month): """River temperature, based on Fraser River, see Allen and Wolfe (2013). Temperature in NEMO is in Celsius. """ centerday = [ 15.5, 31 + 14, 31 + 28 + 15.5, 31 + 28 + 31 + 15, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 15.5, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 15, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 15.5, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 15.5, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 15, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 15.5, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 15, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 15.5] yearday = centerday[month - 1] river_temp = rivertemp_yday(yearday) return river_temp
[docs] def get_watershed_prop_dict_long_fraser(watershedname): """get the proportion that each river occupies in the watershed. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'get_watershed_prop_dict_long_fraser() depreciated, use the river_** dictionary files') return
[docs] def get_watershed_prop_dict_allArms_fraser(watershedname): """get the proportion that each river occupies in the watershed. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'get_watershed_prop_dict_allArms_fraser() depreciated, all Arms bathy superceded by 201702') return
[docs] def init_runoff3_array( bathy='/ocean/jieliu/research/meopar/river-treatment/' '' ): """Initialise the runoff array. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'init_runoff3_array() depreciated, just use init_runoff_array') return
[docs] def put_watershed_into_runoff3( rivertype, watershedname, flux, runoff, run_depth, run_temp, ): """Fill the river file with the rivers of one watershed. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'put_watershed_into_runoff3() depreciated, just use put_watershed_into_runoff') return
[docs] def init_runoff3_array_monthly( bathy='/ocean/jieliu/research/meopar/river-treatment/' '' ): """Initialise the runoff array for each month. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'init_runoff3_array_monthly() depreciated, just use init_runoff_array_monthly') return
[docs] def init_runoff5_array_monthly( bathy='/ocean/jieliu/research/meopar/river-treatment/' '' ): """Initialise the runoff array for each month. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'init_runoff5_array_monthly() depreciated, just use init_runoff_array_monthly') return
[docs] def init_runoff5_array( bathy='/ocean/jieliu/research/meopar/river-treatment/' '' ): """Initialise the runoff array. """ raise DeprecationWarning( 'init_runoff5_array() depreciated, just use init_runoff_array') return