Source code for salishsea_tools.viz_tools

# Copyright 2013-2021 The Salish Sea MEOPAR contributors
# and The University of British Columbia

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""A collection of Python functions to do routine tasks associated with
plotting and visualization.
from __future__ import division

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
from salishsea_tools import geo_tools

[docs] def calc_abs_max(array): """Return the maximum absolute value in the array. :arg array: Array to find the maximum absolute value of. :type array: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :returns: Maximum absolute value :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.float32` """ return np.absolute(array.flatten()[np.absolute(array).argmax()])
[docs] def plot_coastline( axes, bathymetry, coords='grid', isobath=0, xslice=None, yslice=None, color='black', server='local', zorder=2, ): """Plot the coastline contour line from bathymetry on the axes. The bathymetry data may be specified either as a file path/name, or as a :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` instance. If a file path/name is given it is opened and read into a :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` so, if this function is being called in a loop, it is best to provide it with a bathymetry dataset to avoid the overhead of repeated file reads. :arg axes: Axes instance to plot the coastline contour line on. :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :arg bathymetry: File path/name of a netCDF bathymetry data file or a dataset object containing the bathymetry data. :type bathymetry: str or :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg coords: Type of plot coordinates to set the aspect ratio for; either :kbd:`grid` (the default) or :kbd:`map`. :type coords: str :arg isobath: Depth to plot the contour at; defaults to 0. :type isobath: float :arg xslice: X dimension slice to defined the region for which the contour is to be calculated; defaults to :kbd:`None` which means the whole domain. If an xslice is given, a yslice value is also required. :type xslice: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg yslice: Y dimension slice to defined the region for which the contour is to be calculated; defaults to :kbd:`None` which means the whole domain. If a yslice is given, an xslice value is also required. :type yslice: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg color: Matplotlib colour argument :type color: str, float, rgb or rgba tuple :arg zorder: Plotting layer specifier :type zorder: integer :returns: Contour line set :rtype: :py:class:`matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` """ # Index names based on results server if server == 'local': lon_name = 'nav_lon' lat_name = 'nav_lat' bathy_name = 'Bathymetry' elif server == 'ERDDAP': lon_name = 'longitude' lat_name = 'latitude' bathy_name = 'bathymetry' else: raise ValueError('Unknown results server name: {}'.format(server)) if any(( xslice is None and yslice is not None, xslice is not None and yslice is None, )): raise ValueError('Both xslice and yslice must be specified') if not hasattr(bathymetry, 'variables'): bathy = nc.Dataset(bathymetry) else: bathy = bathymetry depths = bathy.variables[bathy_name] if coords == 'map': lats = bathy.variables[lat_name] lons = bathy.variables[lon_name] if xslice is None and yslice is None: contour_lines = axes.contour( np.array(lons), np.array(lats), np.array(depths), [isobath], colors=color, zorder=zorder) else: contour_lines = axes.contour( lons[yslice, xslice], lats[yslice, xslice], depths[yslice, xslice].data, [isobath], colors=color, zorder=zorder) else: if xslice is None and yslice is None: contour_lines = axes.contour( np.array(depths), [isobath], colors=color, zorder=zorder) else: contour_lines = axes.contour( xslice, yslice, depths[yslice, xslice].data, [isobath], colors=color, zorder=zorder) if not hasattr(bathymetry, 'variables'): bathy.close() return contour_lines
[docs] def plot_land_mask( axes, bathymetry, coords='grid', isobath=0, xslice=None, yslice=None, color='black', server='local', zorder=1 ): """Plot land areas from bathymetry as solid colour polygons on the axes. The bathymetry data may be specified either as a file path/name, or as a :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` instance. If a file path/name is given it is opened and read into a :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` so, if this function is being called in a loop, it is best to provide it with a bathymetry dataset to avoid the overhead of repeated file reads. :arg axes: Axes instance to plot the land mask polygons on. :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :arg bathymetry: File path/name of a netCDF bathymetry data file or a dataset object containing the bathymetry data. :type bathymetry: str or :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg coords: Type of plot coordinates to set the aspect ratio for; either :kbd:`grid` (the default) or :kbd:`map`. :type coords: str :arg isobath: Depth to plot the land mask at; defaults to 0. :type isobath: float :arg xslice: X dimension slice to defined the region for which the land mask is to be calculated; defaults to :kbd:`None` which means the whole domain. If an xslice is given, a yslice value is also required. :type xslice: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg yslice: Y dimension slice to defined the region for which the land maks is to be calculated; defaults to :kbd:`None` which means the whole domain. If a yslice is given, an xslice value is also required. :type yslice: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg color: Matplotlib colour argument :type color: str, float, rgb or rgba tuple :arg zorder: Plotting layer specifier :type zorder: integer :returns: Contour polygon set :rtype: :py:class:`matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` """ # Index names based on results server if server == 'local': lon_name = 'nav_lon' lat_name = 'nav_lat' bathy_name = 'Bathymetry' elif server == 'ERDDAP': lon_name = 'longitude' lat_name = 'latitude' bathy_name = 'bathymetry' else: raise ValueError('Unknown results server name: {}'.format(server)) if any(( xslice is None and yslice is not None, xslice is not None and yslice is None, )): raise ValueError('Both xslice and yslice must be specified') if not hasattr(bathymetry, 'variables'): bathy = nc.Dataset(bathymetry) else: bathy = bathymetry depths = bathy.variables[bathy_name] contour_interval = [-0.01, isobath + 0.01] if coords == 'map': lats = bathy.variables[lat_name] lons = bathy.variables[lon_name] if xslice is None and yslice is None: contour_fills = axes.contourf( np.array(lons), np.array(lats), np.array(depths), contour_interval, colors=color, zorder=zorder) else: contour_fills = axes.contourf( lons[yslice, xslice], lats[yslice, xslice], depths[yslice, xslice].data, contour_interval, colors=color, zorder=zorder) else: if xslice is None and yslice is None: contour_fills = axes.contourf(np.array(depths), contour_interval, colors=color, zorder=zorder) else: contour_fills = axes.contourf( xslice, yslice, depths[yslice, xslice].data, contour_interval, colors=color, zorder=zorder) if not hasattr(bathymetry, 'variables'): bathy.close() return contour_fills
[docs] def plot_boundary( ax, grid, mask, dim='depth', index=0, coords='grid', color='burlywood', zorder=10 ): """Plot the land boundary for a given NEMO domain slice. :arg ax: axes object handle :type ax: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` :arg grid: NEMO grid variables :type grid: :py:class:`xarray.DataSet` :arg mask: NEMO mask variables :type mask: :py:class:`xarray.DataSet` :arg dim: dimension for slice (one of 'depth', 'x', or 'y') :type dim: str :arg index: slice index (integer for 'x' or 'y', float for 'depth') :type index: int or float :arg coords: 'map' or 'grid' :type coords: str :arg color: land color :type color: str :arg zorder: desired vertical plot layer :type zorder: int :returns: land and coastline contour object handles :rtype: :py:class:`matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` """ # Define depth array and slices depth = mask.gdept_1d.isel(t=0) dimslice = dim indexslice = index # Determine coordinate system and orientation if dim == 'depth': dimslice = 'z' indexslice = abs(depth.values - index).argmin() if coords == 'map': dim1, dim2 = grid.nav_lon, grid.nav_lat elif coords == 'grid': dim1, dim2 = grid.x, grid.y else: raise ValueError('Unknown coordinate system: {}'.format(coords)) elif dim == 'y': if coords == 'map': dim1, dim2 = grid.nav_lon.isel(**{dim: index}), depth elif coords == 'grid': dim1, dim2 = grid.x, depth else: raise ValueError('Unknown coordinate system: {}'.format(coords)) elif dim == 'x': if coords == 'map': dim1, dim2 = grid.nav_lat.isel(**{dim: index}), depth elif coords == 'grid': dim1, dim2 = grid.y, depth else: raise ValueError('Unknown coordinate system: {}'.format(coords)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown dimension: {}'.format(dim)) # Plot landmask and boundary contour patch = ax.contourf( dim1, dim2, mask.tmask.isel(**{'t': 0, dimslice: indexslice}), [-0.01, 0.01], colors=color, zorder=zorder ) boundary = ax.contour( dim1, dim2, mask.tmask.isel(**{'t': 0, dimslice: indexslice}), [0], colors='k', zorder=zorder ) # Invert depth axis if dim == 'x' or dim == 'y': ax.invert_yaxis() return patch, boundary
[docs] def set_aspect( axes, aspect=5/4.4, coords='grid', lats=None, adjustable='box', ): """Set the aspect ratio for the axes. This is a thin wrapper on the :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_aspect` method. Its primary purpose is to free the user from needing to remember the 5/4.4 nominal aspect ratio for the Salish Sea NEMO model grid, and the formula for the aspect ratio based on latitude for map coordinates. It also sets the axes aspect ratio with :py:attr:`adjustable='box-forced'` so that the axes can be shared if desired. :arg axes: Axes instance to set the aspect ratio of. :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` :arg aspect: Aspect ratio. :type aspect: float :arg coords: Type of plot coordinates to set the aspect ratio for; either :kbd:`grid` (the default) or :kbd:`map`. :type coords: str :arg lats: Array of latitude values to calculate the aspect ratio from; only required when :kbd:`coordinates='map'`. :type lats: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg adjustable: How to adjust the axes box. :type adjustable: str :returns: Aspect ratio. :rtype: float .. note:: To explicitly set the aspect ratio for map coordinates (instead of calculating it from latitudes) set :kbd:`aspect` to the aspect ratio, :kbd:`coords='map'`, and use the default :kbd:`lats=None`. """ if coords == 'map' and lats is not None: aspect = 1 / np.cos(np.median(lats) * np.pi / 180) axes.set_aspect(aspect, adjustable=adjustable) return aspect
[docs] def unstagger(ugrid, vgrid): """Interpolate u and v component values to values at grid cell centres. The shapes are the returned arrays are 1 less than those of the input arrays in the y and x dimensions. :arg ugrid: u velocity component values with axes (..., y, x) :type ugrid: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg vgrid: v velocity component values with axes (..., y, x) :type vgrid: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns u, v: u and v component values at grid cell centres :rtype: 2-tuple of :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ u = np.add(ugrid[..., :-1], ugrid[..., 1:]) / 2 v = np.add(vgrid[..., :-1, :], vgrid[..., 1:, :]) / 2 return u[..., 1:, :], v[..., 1:]
[docs] def unstagger_xarray(qty, index): """Interpolate u, v, or w component values to values at grid cell centres. Named indexing requires that input arrays are XArray DataArrays. :arg qty: u, v, or w component values :type qty: :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` :arg index: index name along which to centre (generally one of 'gridX', 'gridY', or 'depth') :type index: str :returns qty: u, v, or w component values at grid cell centres :rtype: :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` """ qty = (qty + qty.shift(**{index: 1})) / 2 return qty
[docs] def rotate_vel(u_in, v_in, origin='grid'): """Rotate u and v component values to either E-N or model grid. The origin argument sets the input coordinates ('grid' or 'map') :arg u_in: u velocity component values :type u_in: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg v_in: v velocity component values :type v_in: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg origin: Input coordinate system (either 'grid' or 'map', output will be the other) :type origin: str :returns u_out, v_out: rotated u and v component values :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Determine rotation direction if origin == 'grid': fac = 1 elif origin == 'map': fac = -1 else: raise ValueError('Invalid origin value: {origin}'.format( origin=origin)) # Rotate velocities theta_rad = 29 * np.pi / 180 u_out = u_in * np.cos(theta_rad) - fac * v_in * np.sin(theta_rad) v_out = u_in * np.sin(theta_rad) * fac + v_in * np.cos(theta_rad) return u_out, v_out
[docs] def rotate_vel2(u_in, v_in, coords, origin="grid"): """Rotate u and v component values to either E-N or model grid. The origin argument sets the input coordinates ('grid' or 'map'). This function is an evolution of rotate_vel that uses spherical trig to compute the rotation angle at T points rather than assuming 29 degrees applies uniformly. For most of the Salish Sea domain the 29 degree approximation is reasonable, but it does not work in the compressed Fraser River region, hence the need for a per-point angle calculation. The u_in and v_in arguments should be unstaggered velocities at T points from viz_tools.unstagger() which exclude the first row and column. :arg u_in: u velocity component values :type u_in: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg v_in: v velocity component values :type v_in: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg coords: File path/name to netCDF coordinates file or a dataset object containing the U-point coordinates. :type coords: str or :py:class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg origin: Input coordinate system (either 'grid' or 'map', output will be the other) :type origin: str :returns u_out, v_out: rotated u and v component values :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Determine rotation direction if origin == "grid": fac = 1 elif origin == "map": fac = -1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid origin value: {origin}".format(origin=origin)) # Load u-point coordinates if hasattr(coords, "variables"): cnc = coords else: cnc = nc.Dataset(coords) glamu = cnc["glamu"][0, ...].astype(np.float64) gphiu = cnc["gphiu"][0, ...].astype(np.float64) # Get the value of R that geo_tools.haversine() uses R = geo_tools.haversine(0, 0, 0, 1) / np.deg2rad(1) # Find angle by spherical trig # # First point xA = glamu[0:-1, 0:-1] yA = gphiu[0:-1, 0:-1] # Second point xB = glamu[0:-1, 1:] yB = gphiu[0:-1, 1:] # Third point: same longitude as second point, same latitude as first point xC = xB yC = yA # Compute distances, convert to angles a = geo_tools.haversine(xB, yB, xC, yC) / R b = geo_tools.haversine(xA, yA, xC, yC) / R c = geo_tools.haversine(xA, yA, xB, yB) / R # A is the angle counterclockwise from due east in radians cosA = (np.cos(a) - np.cos(b) * np.cos(c)) / (np.sin(b) * np.sin(c)) A = np.arccos(cosA) # Rotate velocities u_out = u_in * np.cos(A) - fac * v_in * np.sin(A) v_out = u_in * np.sin(A) * fac + v_in * np.cos(A) return u_out, v_out
[docs] def rotate_vel_bybearing(u_in, v_in, coords, origin="grid"): """Rotate u and v component values to either E-N or model grid. The origin argument sets the input coordinates ('grid' or 'map'). This function is an evolution of rotate_vel that uses a bearing calculation based on the coordinates to compute the rotation angle based on see Bearing The u_in and v_in arguments should be on the grid passed in as a dictionary in coords :arg u_in: u velocity component values :type u_in: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg v_in: v velocity component values :type v_in: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :arg coords: dict of latitudes and longitudes :type coords: dict :arg origin: Input coordinate system (either 'grid' or 'map', output will be the other) :type origin: str :returns u_out, v_out: rotated u and v component values :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Determine rotation direction if origin == "grid": fac = 1 elif origin == "map": fac = -1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid origin value: {origin}".format(origin=origin)) longitude = np.array(coords["lon"]) latitude = np.array(coords["lat"]) # First point xA = np.deg2rad(longitude[:, 0:-1]) yA = np.deg2rad(latitude[:, 0:-1]) # Second point xB = np.deg2rad(longitude[:, 1:]) yB = np.deg2rad(latitude[:, 1:]) # A is the angle counterclockwise from due east in radians A = np.empty_like(longitude) A[:, 0:-1] = np.arctan2(np.cos(yA) * np.sin(yB) - np.sin(yA) * np.cos(yB) * np.cos(xB-xA), np.sin(xB-xA) * np.cos(yB)) A[:, -1] = A[:, -2] # Rotate velocities u_out = u_in * np.cos(A) - fac * v_in * np.sin(A) v_out = u_in * np.sin(A) * fac + v_in * np.cos(A) return u_out, v_out
[docs] def clear_contours(C): """Clear contours from an existing plot. :arg C: contour object handle :type C: :py:class:`matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` """ # Clear previous contours for C_obj in C.collections: C_obj.remove() return